
A bartering platform for goods and services amongst community members

We offer a simple, flexible, cash-free platform where you can access a variety of goods and services, and trade what you need. Designed with our members in mind.

Browse great deals on items and services offered near you
like furniture and electronics or childcare and landscaping

Instantly message members
securely through the app to negotiate a swap and set up a time to meet

View member's profiles
to validate them by seeing ratings, badges, and transaction history

Post your items or services for trade
to begin bartering with your neighbors

Introducing SwapMe Coin — your gateway to redeem goods or services on the platform.

Want to redeem a good or service but don't have a Swap to offer?
Receive a free virtual Coin when you create a profile on the app
Remember, one Coin equals one Swap!

At SwapMe, we're eliminating formal currency and delivering a community focused bartering platform that meets your everyday needs.
“This app is VERY user-friendly, which makes it so easy to use. Trading goods for services, and services for goods is GENIUS!”
- DaDoggs
Apple App Store